Western Goldenrod Seeds
Our own farm-grown Western Goldenrod (Solidego lepida) seeds for organic growing.
All seeds are grown on our farm without the use of chemicals; and are open-pollinated, hybrid-free and GMO-free.
1 pkg (50+ seeds)
Our own farm-grown Western Goldenrod (Solidego lepida) seeds for organic growing.
All seeds are grown on our farm without the use of chemicals; and are open-pollinated, hybrid-free and GMO-free.
1 pkg (50+ seeds)
Our own farm-grown Western Goldenrod (Solidego lepida) seeds for organic growing.
All seeds are grown on our farm without the use of chemicals; and are open-pollinated, hybrid-free and GMO-free.
1 pkg (50+ seeds)
Common Names
Goldenrod, Western Goldenrod, Western Canada Goldenrod
Botanical Name
Solidego lepida
Plant Family
Asteraceae (Daisy Family)
Native Range
Canada, Western US, Northern Mexico. It can be found extensively throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Life Cycle
Hardiness Zone
This herb is epically beautiful in bloom with its golden torch-like flowers, and truly a sight to behold. It is commonly cultivated as a delightful garden plant because it is remarkably lovely to look at. It spreads gracefully by slender rhizomes to form neat patches in the garden, yet it does not become invasive or overpower other plants. This lovely herb enjoys a moist spot, thriving in sunny or partly shaded locations, and will typically grow to about three feet tall and wide on average, making it a stunning centerpiece in any garden design.
Full sun to part sun, will tolerate most soil types.
Seeds germinate most successfully when direct sown in fall.
Goldenrod is a low maintenance plant. It is tolerant of both drought and overly moist soil. Plants can be cut back after flowering,
Goldenrod is in full bloom in July and can be found in gardens, and in the wild along roadsides, moist meadows, and along the edges of clearcuts. It is often found in the same habitat and blooming along side its good friend Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium). The aerial parts of Goldenrod can be collected any time from early flower throughout the bloom season which continues into August. The leaves dry well and make a yummy tea. The flowers, like with many other members of the Asteraceae Family, turn to fluff when dried.
Culinary Uses
The new shoots of Goldenrod can be eaten as a edible green in the springtime.
Medicinal Uses
The Latin genus name Solidego can be literally translated as ‘to make whole’, a reference to the plants medicinal properties. Sitting with its deeply golden yellow flowers which are held strong upon sturdy stalks, one can get a glimpse of this plants power to mend not just our outer wounds, but our inner wounds too. Its flowers like torches to light our path and urge us onward, Goldenrod is a champion for our souls.
Goldenrod is a specific remedy for inflammation of the respiratory tract, especially when there is a build up of mucus. It helps to calm inflammation of the throat, trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles, and helps the body to expel excess mucus contained in these passages. It is also helpful for the treatment of bladder infections, due to its diuretic, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. It makes a good tonic herb for strengthening the bladder and kidneys.
Native Plant Garden, Woodland Garden, Apothecary Garden, Drought Tolerant, Low Maintenance, Deer Resistant, Attracts Pollinators, Container Garden, Cut Flowers.